



  • 如何当好一名合格的保安队长
  • 本站编辑:浙江护龙保安服务有限公司发布日期:2019-09-23 18:27 浏览次数:


Nowadays, security has always been regarded as a simple and relaxed profession by outsiders. As the saying goes, "Separation is like a mountain". Especially for the captain of the front-line work, the work of the captain seems simple, but it is not. In addition to safeguarding the interests of the company and maintaining good relations with the owner of Party A, the captain has to deal directly with people of all walks of life. In dealing with different affairs happening on different occasions, we should not only make specific arrangements, inspections and improvements to the team members, but also maintain the dignity of our team. A lot of things determine that the captain should possess not only certain professional ethics, but also good psychological quality, communicative ability, management ability and adaptability. Then how to be a qualified security captain? I think we should do the following:


1. Subordinate to the on-site management team and resolutely implement the management policy


As the front-line manager of the project, the team leader should first strictly implement the work instructions of the field management team. In practical work, the team leader's instructions represent the instructions of the field management, such as discounting or changing the instructions in the process of execution. The consequence is that the management team's thinking and the execution team's thinking deviate. It brings trouble to the unified management of the site. Moreover, if the team leader himself can not correctly implement the management policy, then it is even more impossible to require the following team members to implement the rules. Over time, the execution of the entire team will decline, and it will not be able to provide customers with quality services. The key point of my project is to be conveyed by a security team leader when the important instructions are conveyed, which is to achieve the effect of unified management.


2. Be strict with yourself and set an example by example


The captain is a banner and a mirror of the team. If a captain wants to do a good job in team management and really make his team members achieve the effect of "thinking from one place to another and striving for one place", he must have firm and correct management concept, management position and distinct management viewpoint, constantly strengthen his own political accomplishment, theory and management ability, and always have "high ideological awareness, business". The standard of "refinement and uprightness" should be strict with oneself. Only in this way can we set an example. My project point will be the security team leader's own assessment as a key assessment, in order to strictly require the security team leader's words and deeds. Facts have proved that only when the security captain himself does a good job, the team can be well managed and the project can be well done.


Third, dare to think and dare to do, and lead the team with "four hearts"


1. Be confident. The captain should be familiar with the field hardware and software, combine with the requirements of the field management, pay attention to the characteristics of the team members, explore new ideas of leading troops, formulate new management plans, strive to be knowledgeable, make full use of the advantages of civil air defense and technical defense, muster courage, enhance confidence, and do a good job of the team.


2. Be loving. In his daily management work, the captain should fully embody the principle of "people-oriented, emotional soldier-led" kinship management. He really regards his team members as his brothers and relatives, and does not scold or punish them with corporal punishment or irony. We should carry forward democracy, respect everyone's opinions and care more about the work and life of the injured and sick team members. Only by sincerely giving our love, can we win the trust of the team members.


3. Be enthusiastic. In the process of team management, the captain should devote himself to the team members with a warm heart. Team members should be sincere, team members as close friends, with a warm heart to influence the team members. Take care of team members ideologically, guide them in their work and care for them in their life. Let them get inspiration from true love, so as to stimulate a strong enthusiasm for work, so that the whole team has a strong cohesion.


4. Be patient. As the leader of the team, the leader must have patience, perseverance and perseverance in carrying out the management of the team. Team members'ideological work should be repeated, often done, always pay attention to observe their words and deeds, grasp their ideological changes, guide him from many aspects, inspire him, so that he can truly feel the warmth of the team family.


4. Reporting diligently and paying attention to the overall situation of the company


In many cases, the captain needs to deal with some problems and affairs independently, especially when the interests of the company conflict with the interests of customers. In this case, the captain should report to the management team in time, and avoid making decisions. It is very likely that some improper practices will bring immeasurable losses to the company. At the project point, I have formulated a report system for major events to the security captain specifically for such incidents, to help the security captain define the nature of the incidents, and also to let the security captain have a clear idea.


To sum up, I think that as a qualified security captain, we should always focus on the interests of the company, truly set an example, communicate, play a leading role, provide good quality service for customers, and establish a good brand for the company.